The webinar will focus on ultra-hypofractionated partial breast radiotherapy. Outcomes, ongoing trials, and future trends in accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) will be presented by Frank Vicini, M.D. Asal Rahimi, M.D. will share her clinical experience of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for APBI. Mark Perman, M.D. and Debra Freeman, M.D. will share information on the protocol and data collection for the Registry for Performance and Clinical Outcomes in Radiosurgery (RPCR) APBI and Breast SBRT.

Frank A. Vicini, M.D., Clinical Professor, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Global Research Chair, GenesisCare
Dr. Frank A. Vicini has held multiple academic appointments and has been involved in numerous clinical studies involving breast and prostate cancer. He has designed, developed, and completed numerous phase I/II and III NIH/NCI clinical trials to evaluate new and improved techniques to treat patients with Stage I and II breast cancer. Dr. Vicini has authored over 300 peer-reviewed articles and presented his research at national and international meetings. He is a visiting professor in both the United States and Europe, authored multiple chapters in textbooks, and is on the editorial board of several oncology journals. In addition, he is listed as one of the few oncologists in “Best Oncology Doctors in America.” Dr. Vicini was recently named 21st Century Oncology’s National Principal Investigator.

Asal Shoushtari Rahimi, M.D., MS, Associate Professor, Chief of Breast Radiation, U.T. Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX
Dr. Asal Rahimi completed her undergraduate degree at The University of California San Diego (UCSD) in Biochemistry, followed by a Master’s degree in Applied Physiology, and then Medical School at The Chicago Medical School. She then pursued a Radiation Oncology Residency at The University of Virginia. Currently. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at The University of Texas Southwestern (UTSW) and is also the Division Chief of Breast Radiation, and Associate Vice Chair of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
She is also very active in the Simmons Cancer Center and serves as the Co-Chair of the PRMC. She previously held the position of Director for Clinical Research and was overseeing over 100 clinical trials over that time. Her clinical research is focused on reducing the volume of tissue being irradiated and the number of treatments for women undergoing breast radiation for breast cancer. She has published and presented her research all over the world and commonly teaches other physicians on advanced breast radiation techniques. She also serves on the NCCN Breast Cancer Risk Reduction Committee. One of her greatest joys is treating and taking part in her patients’ journey and being there for them.

Mark Perman, M.D., Radiation Oncologist, GenesisCare, FL
Dr. Perman has been practicing radiation oncology for more than 20 years. He completed medical school at the Medical University of South Carolina and his residency at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. During his time in practice, he has had experience with various emerging radiation technologies including intensity-modulated radiation therapy, image-guided radiation therapy, high-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy, RapidArc and CyberKnife®. Dr. Perman has been treating patients with the CyberKnife for over nine years. As a CyberKnife pioneer, he has co-authored several publications and textbook chapters on the system. He is also quite active in CyberKnife professional organizations, serving on the Board of Directors of the CyberKnife Coalition and is the co-founder and President of the RPCR, the Multi-Institutional Registry for Prostate Cancer Radiosurgery.

Debra Freeman, M.D., Radiation Oncologist, CyberKnife Centers of Tampa Bay, FL
Dr. Freeman is a board-certified radiation oncologist actively practicing at the CyberKnife Centers of Tampa Bay. She completed her undergraduate studies at Davidson College, NC and attended medical school, and completed her residency at University of Florida in Gainesville, FL. She served as an assistant professor in the UF Department of Radiation Oncology from 1991-1995 where she specialized in breast cancer and prostate seed implants. Dr. Freeman was an early adopter of the CyberKnife technology and introduced this system into Naples, FL in 2004. Her program in Naples was the first community-based prostate cancer radiosurgery program in the United States. Dr. Freeman was the co-founder of the Registry for Performance and Clinical Outcomes in Radiosurgery (RPCR), a platform to collect clinical outcomes data from prospective observational trials. The RPCR collected and published outcomes data on 1,743 prostate cancer patients treated with SBRT and was instrumental in the widespread adoption of SBRT to treat prostate cancer. Dr. Freeman has spoken nationally and internationally on radiation oncology topics and has published several peer-reviewed journal articles, most recently on prostate radiosurgery.