Contact Us

We welcome your questions, comments and feedback. Please use caution when deciding what information you wish to share, and please do not include any sensitive or protected health information, such as your medical history. By entering information on our websites, you understand and agree that your personal information may be processed, transferred, and/or stored in countries other than the country in which you reside, including the United States, which may have different data protection laws than the country in which you reside or work. Please do not submit any information you do not wish to have processed, transferred, and/or stored in the United States or any other country that is not the one in which you reside or work. The information you send through our websites will be governed by Accuray’s AEx Privacy Policy.

This is an AEx contact us form. If you would like to fill out our Product Feedback form, click here. For any Service Requests or Safety-Related issues, go to the Services & Support page at

European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

At Accuray, we value privacy and transparency. In order for Accuray and its Affiliates to continue sending you emails with the latest information about its products and services as well as industry and other marketing materials, we require your consent in accordance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law that came into effect on May 25, 2018. If you consent to receive/continue receiving such information from Accuray and its Affiliates as well as the use of your personal data for such purposes, please check the box below.


Please read the Terms of Use and mark below to agree.