SBRT for Non-Spine Bone Metastases

March 4, 2025

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The upcoming webinar will provide a comprehensive review of the evidence for radiation treatment in non-spine bone metastases (NSBM). Participants will gain insights into key trials comparing conventional external beam radiation therapy (cEBRT) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in NSBM. The session will also cover predictors of pathological fracture and local recurrence following SBRT, as well as patient selection criteria for SBRT. Additionally, the webinar will include a review of contouring practices and the role of clinical target volume (CTV) in treatment planning. This webinar aims to enhance understanding and application of advanced radiation therapy techniques in the management of NSBM.

Presenter: Emma Dunne, BSc, Ph.D., MBBS, FRCPC

Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Department of Surgery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Dr. Emma Dunne is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology in the Department of Surgery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada since 2022.   Dr Dunne received her undergraduate education at University College Dublin, Ireland studying Molecular Genetics, prior to completing a PhD at the University of Bristol in the UK.  She studied medicine at Barts and The Royal London Hospital, London, UK and completed her specialist Clinical Oncology training at The Royal Marsden Hospital.  On completion of training Dr. Dunne proceeded to a 2-year Precision Fellowship at BC Cancer, Vancouver from 2017 – 2019 where she specialized in treating metastatic disease to the spine and liver with SBRT.  Dr Dunne is a member of the Lung, GI and SBRT groups.  Her research interests include SBRT specifically in the setting of primary liver malignancies, oligo-metastatic disease and re-irradiation.

Moderator: Aidan Cole, MB BCH BAO, MRCP Ph.D. FRCR

Clinical Lecturer and Consultant in Clinical Oncology, Centre for Medical Education, Queen’s University of Belfast, Northern Ireland

Dr Aidan Cole is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist and Senior Lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is the Northern Ireland lead for oligometastatic SABR as well as an academic researcher in Prostate Cancer. He has been a Faculty Member of the UK SABR Consortium since 2020, he has organised and delivered education on the UK SABR symposium-RCR courses including Spine, Bone and Node and Renal. He is a frequent speaker and chair at the annual UK SABR Symposia. He is a keen educationalist and is the Associate Director for Assessment in Queen’s undergraduate medical programme.